In This Issue
Upcoming Events:
DesignCon 2024
Featured Video:
Prototyping I2C Systems with an I2C Host Adapter and Protocol Analyzer
New Blog:
What are the Options for Delivering I2C Slave Responses Larger than 64 Bytes?
Upcoming Events: DesignCon 2024

Total Phase will be exhibiting at the upcoming DesignCon tradeshow event!
DesignCon 2024
Booth #1358 Expo: January 31 - February 1, 2024 Santa Clara, CA
DesignCon is the leading conference and exposition dedicated to high-speed communications and system design. It provides crucial engineering education at the core of electronics innovation. Stop by our booth to learn how our line of protocol analyzer and host adapter tools used by engineers worldwide can help debug and develop your specific I2C, SPI, USB, and CAN applications. We will be demoing these products live and answering any questions you may have. We also will have our Advanced Cable Tester v2 on display to demo how this tool comprehensively tests USB, HDMI, and DP cables in seconds. Join us at DesignCon: Use promo code SPECIAL24 to get free expo admission and 15% off all conference passes. Register here. We hope to see you there! Learn more about this event.
Featured Video: Prototyping I2C Systems with an I2C Host Adapter and Protocol Analyzer
Total Phase offers a line of I2C/SPI host adapters that allow engineers to emulate master and slave I2C/SPI devices to quickly create a prototype of their system. For instance, users can emulate a master device to evaluate peripherals such as sensors and memory chips, and also emulate a slave device to test commands sent from MCUs. The Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer is also offered to non-intrusively monitor I2C or SPI traffic in real time to help engineers uncover bugs and errors in communication between devices. One of our most-viewed videos showcases these tools and how they can both be used together to quickly and easily prototype a system, specifically demonstrating how the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter and the Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer can evaluate and prototype an I2C-based system that uses a 3-axis accelerometer. Watch the video here: Prototyping I2C Systems with an I2C Host Adapter and Protocol Analyzer

New Blog: What are the Options for Delivering I2C Slave Responses Larger than 64 Bytes?
Many of our blogs feature answers to real-life customer questions. In our latest blog in this category, a customer requires the ability for a host adapter to have a slave response that is larger than 64 bytes, which is the maximum size supported with the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter. In the blog, we discuss how the Promira Serial Platform, our most-advanced serial device, supports slave responses up to 256 bytes. We also provide insight into how one can transition from using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter with the Aardvark Software API to the Promira Serial Platform using the Promira Aardvark Wrapper Software API. Read the full blog here: What are the Options for Delivering I2C Slave Responses Larger than 64 Bytes? |
Product Spotlight: Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer

What I like about this I2C analyzer is that it detects errors and it shows the data for each packet. Once I started gathering data, it was easy to filter through the data looking for my error.
In all, the analyzer and software combination was what I needed. You can buy of course O-scopes with this kind of feature, but you'd pay about $10K for it. This was quick and easy to use and was only $518.00 (including cables). To me, it was worth every penny as it solved my problem without breaking my wallet.

- Glenn V.
Learn more about the Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer
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773 E El Camino Real #108 Sunnyvale, CA 94087