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Using a Flash SOIC-8 Socket Board to Program I2C EEPROMs with the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter

The Flash SOIC-8 Socket Board is specifically designed for SPI Flash memories, however, when used with a 10-Pin Split Cable and an Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter or Promira Serial Platform, this board can be configured to support I2C EEPROMs.

As an example, this demonstration uses a Microchip 24AA256 I2C EEPROM with the Flash SOIC-8 Socket Board. Other EEPROMs may also have their pin positions changed, so this example can be used as a reference guide for mapping EEPROM pins and socket board pins that need to be controlled by the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter.

Target I2C EEPROM Pin Diagram

Figure 1. Target I2C EEPROM Pin Diagram


Figure 2. Flash SOIC-8 Socket Board Pin Diagram


The Aardvark adapter can be connected to the socket labeled "Cheetah" since the pin layout and its designation are the same.


SOIC-8 Flash Socket Board pin layout

Figure 3. Pin Numbering Layout


The following tables compares the socket pin layout and I2C EEPROM pin layout:

Socket Board  I2C EEPROM
1. /SS 1. A0 Address Bit Pin
2. MISO 2. A1 Address Bit Pin
3. /WP-IO2 3. A2 Address Bit Pin
4. GND 4. GND
5. MOSI 5. SDA
6. SCK 6. SCL
7. /HOLD-IO3 7. WP
8. VDD 8. VDD


With the Aardvark adapter connected to the 10-Pin Split Cable, connect the following:

Socket Board Pin # Aardvark Pin #
6. SCK 1. SCL
10. GND 2. GND
5. MOSI 3. SDA
4. 5V 4. 5V
1. /SS 5. MISO
NC 6. 5V

11. IO2 in Promira 34-pin socket, since this cannot
be connected in Aardvark socket (see image below)



Aardvark adapter connected to SOIC-8 Flash Socket Board

Aardvark adapter connected to SOIC-8 Flash Socket Board


After the connections are done, connect the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter to Control Center Serial Software to verify if communication is properly established via pin mapping.


1. Connect the Aardvark adapter to Control Center Serial Software in I2C+GPIO mode. In this mode, SPI pins act as GPIO pins that can be used to configure A0, A1, and A2 address bit pins.

Control Center Serial Software and adapter configuration


2. Set all GPIOs to OUT direction and value as 0. 0, A1, and A2 pins have been set to 0 as the I2C device address is 0x50 (please check the 24AA256 datasheet for more information on this).


3. Enable Target Power to power-up the socket board by clicking Adapter→ Target Power→ 5V, and enabling I2C pull-ups.


4. Provide slave address as 0x50 and perform Master Write with any data bytes. Check the transaction log to determine if the transaction was successful.

Control Center Serial Software transaction log


5. Since all the bytes are sent to the I2C device successfully, we conclude that the connections have been correctly established with pin mapping.