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How Do I Read/Write to a I2C EEPROM with 16-bit Data?
Rena Ayeras

Question from the Customer:

I am using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter and Aardvark Software API to program and read an I2C EEPROM device, the AT24C32. This I2C device has a 2-byte address and uses 2-byte data. Is there a way to use your API functions for that? Your API functions are designed for 8-bit data, but this device has a  16-bit address. The programming language I am using is C.

Response from Technical Support:

Thanks for your question! The API functions are designed for 8-bit data, but you can easily use them to read/write with 16-bit data. The API functions and an example are described below.

Using API Functions for 16-bit Data

The aa_i2c_write() and aa_i2c_read() functions have the u16 data type for 16-bit addresses.

Reading from the I2C slave device:

int aa_i2c_read (Aardvark            aardvark,

aa_u16              slave_addr,

AardvarkI2cFlags    flags,

aa_u16              num_bytes,

aa_u08 *            data_in);


aardvark              handle of an Aardvark adapter

slave_addr          the slave from which to read

flags                     special operations

num_bytes         the number of bytes to read (maximum 65535)

data_in                pointer to data

Writing to the I2C slave device:

int aa_i2c_write (Aardvark         aardvark,

aa_u16           slave_addr,

AardvarkI2cFlags flags,

aa_u16           num_bytes,

const aa_u08 *   data_out);


aardvark              handle of an Aardvark adapter

slave_addr          the slave from which to read

flags                      special operations

num_bytes         the number of bytes to write (maximum 65535)

data_out             pointer to data

These functions are designed for 8-bit data. However, 16-bit data can be sent byte-by-byte as 2 separate bytes.

Example to Read/Write 16-bit Data

Here is an example for using those commands to read/write 16-data data. Please note, this example is pseudo-code, not an actual program.

u08 addr[2];

int addr_byte = 1;

if (addr_t > 255) {

addr[0] = (addr_t >> 8) & 0xff;  // upper byte

addr[1] =(addr_t >> 0) & 0xff; // lower byte

addr_byte = 2;


else {

addr[0]= addr_t && 0xff;

addr[1] = 0;

addr_byte = 1;


aa_i2c_write(handle, device, AA_I2C_NO_STOP, addr_byte, addr);

For more information about API functions, including the special functions of the "flags", please refer to the subsection I2C Interface of the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter User Manual

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