Writing and Reading from SPI Flash Using the Cheetah Adapter and Cheetah GUI Software – Part 2
Here is part 2 of our Support Question of the Week feature on how to write and read an SPI flash device using the Cheetah SPI Host Adapter and the Cheetah GUI Software. In Part 1, we went over the instructions for using the M25P32 flash part, which is used as an example for writing and reading with the Cheetah adapter and Cheetah GUI.
Memory Programming and Reading Guidelines
- Download and run the latest version of the Total Phase USB Drivers Installer.
- Download and unzip the latest version of Cheetah GUI.
- Connect the Cheetah adapter to the PC via the USB connector.
- Connect the Cheetah adapter to the SPI flash demo board via the I2C/SPI connector.
- Launch Cheetah GUI.
- Connect the Cheetah adapter to Cheetah GUI.
- Click Connect.
- Select the Cheetah adapter.
- Click Open to connect to the adapter.
- Configure the Modes to Mode 0, Bitrate to 400KHz, Bit Order to MSB, and SS Polarity to Active Low.
- Enable SS0, Output Enable, Target Power, and All Bytes.
- Erase the entire memory device.
- Enter 06 in the MOSI Message > Click Send. (This Write Enable Instruction sets the Write Enable Latch bit)
- Enter 07 in the MOSI Message > Click Send. (This Bulk Erase Instruction erases the memory)

Figure 1: Cheetah Adapter Erases M25P32
- Write and read memory Status Register.
- Enter 06 in the MOSI Message > Click Send. (This Write Enable Instruction sets the Write Enable Latch bit)
- Enter 01 00 in the MOSI Message > Click Send. (This Write Status Instruction writes 00 to the memory Status register)
- Enter 05 00 in the MOSI Message > Click Send. (This Read Status Instruction reads 00 from the memory Status register)

Figure 2: Cheetah Adapter Writes and Reads M25P32 Status Register
- Write and read memory.
- Enter 06 in the MOSI Message > Click Send. (This Write Enable instruction sets the WRite Enable Latch bit)
- Enter 02 00 00 08 0A 0B 0C in the MOSI Message > Click SEnd. (This Page Program Instruction writes 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C to memory address 0x08)
- Enter 03 00 00 08 00 00 00 in the MOSI Message > Click Send. (This Read Data Bytes instruction reads 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C from the memory address 0x08)

Figure 3: Cheetah Adapter Writes and Reads M25P32 Memory
Any questions? Email us at sales@totalphase.com or support@totalphase.com.