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How to Read and Write to an I2C EEPROM Using the Aardvark adapter and Control Center - Part 2

Here is part 2 of our Support Question of the Week feature on how to read and write to an I2C EEPROM with the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter and Control Center Software! In Part 1, we provided some background on the set up of the I2C EEPROM with the Aardvark adapter. Now, in part 2, we will demonstrate how to write and read back several bytes of data to the I2C EEPROM with the step-by-step instructions below.

This feature is hot off the press from our Total Phase Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base consists of popular FAQ’s and technical articles provided by our very own support team.

Writing and Reading Instructions

  1. Download and run the latest version of the Total Phase USB Drivers Installer.
  2. Download and unzip the latest version of Control Center.
  3. Connect the Aardvark adapter to the PC via the USB connector.
  4. Connect the Aardvark adapter to the I2C/SPI activity board via the I2C/SPI connector.
  5. Launch Control Center.
  6. Connect to the Aardvark adapter.

    1. Click Configure Aardvark Adapter.
    2. Select the Aardvark Adapter.
    3. Click OK to connect to the adapter.
  7. Click Aardvark, and choose I2C+SPI.
  8. Click Aardvark, and enable I2C Pulls-Ups and Target Power. (This configuration is required for the activity board, but may not be required for all target systems.)
  9. Configure the adapter as an I2C Master using the I2C Control panel.

    1. Click on the Master tab.
    2. Enter 100 in Bitrate rectangular, and click Set.
    3. Enter 0x50 in Slave Address field.
    4. Disable 10 Bit Addr and No Stop.
    5. Enter 3 in Number of Bytes field.
    6. Enter 08 0A 0B 0C in the Message field, and click Master Write. (see Figure 1)

    7. Enter 08 in the Message rectangular, and click Master Write, as seen in Figure 2. (By only sending the word address without any data, the internal data word address counter is set to 0x08).
    8. Enter 08 in the Message rectangular, and click Master Write, as seen in Figure 3. (By only sending the word address without any data, the internal data word address counter is set to 0x08).
    Figure 1: Aardvark Adapter Writes 08 0A 0B 0C to AT24C02
    Figure 2: Aardvark adapter writes 08 to AT24C02
    Figure 3: Aardvark adapter reads 0A 0B 0C from AT24C02

We hope this two-part feature was beneficial in understanding how to read and write to an I2C EEPROM! If you have any questions about the Aardvark adapter, Control Center Software, or any other Total Phase products, feel free to contact us at sales@totalphase.com or support@totalphase.com.