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How Can I Set Up a Trigger for the Beagle USB 5000 Protocol Analyzer to Start on a NRDY Packet?

Question from the Customer:

We have the Beagle 5000 v2 Protocol Analyzer - Standard Edition and we have used it for triggering for USB 3.0 traffic.  For example, we have set  it up with the  trigger to capture an ACK (acknowledgement) packet,  but we don't see how to set it up to trigger on NRDY (not ready).  Is that possible with the standard edition, or do we need get an upgrade for Complex Triggering?

Response from Technical Support:

Thanks for your question! You can definitely set up complex triggers with the Beagle 5000 V2 analyzer, and it is very easy to do that with the Data Center Software. Here are the steps:

      1. At the Menu Bar (at the top), select Analyzer and then select Device Settings.
      2. When the Device Settings dialog opens, select the USB tab and then click the Addition Settings button.

        154454_Data-Center-Device-Settings Figure 1: Select Device Settings
      3. In the Additional Settings dialog that opens up, select the USB 3.0 Matching tab, click the Complex button and make sure the Enabled box is checked.
      4. Click New Match Action and from the drop menu select DS Data Match (DS is downstream, and US is upstream).

        154454_Data-Center-Matching-USB3 Figure 2: Select the Downstream Data Match
      5. In the DS Data Match Configuration dialog, for Packet Type select Header Packet. The dialog now shows you the options that you can use for a complex match.  Here, you can enter the desired binary pattern by replacing the X characters with "1" or "0". To make it easier, you can select Type options that will enter the important data patterns for you.
      6. Click Type and select Transaction Packet from the drop menu. The dialog box becomes more detailed, as shown.
      7. Click SubType and select NRDY from the drop menu.
      8. If desired, you can further specialize the pattern for your trigger by replacing "X" with "1" or "0".

        Data Center Software - step 3 to set a complex matching for a trigger Figure 3: Set Up the Complex Match to Trigger

As you can see, you can trigger on many different events. The Beagle USB 5000 analyzer is very flexible tool built for many different testing conditions.

Additional resources that you may find helpful include the following:

We hope this answers your question. If you have other questions about our protocol analyzers or other Total Phase products, feel free to email us at sales@totalphase.com, or if you already own one of our devices and have a technical question, please submit a request for technical support.