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Support Question of the Week: Working with a Loop Command using the Aardvark adapter

Q: I'm interested in trying to loop the same command every 3 minutes with my Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter. Is there a repeat command in the XML script language that I can use?

A: Thanks for your question! We can certainly help you with doing a loop command using the Aardvark adapter.

Total  Phase offers multiple ways to send data on an I2C or SPI bus using the Aardvark host adapter, which is a USB to I2C or USB to SPI interface.  The Control Center Software and royalty-free API allow engineers to easily send custom I2C or SPI data to their target system.

The Control Center Software provides a graphical interface to access the Aardvark adapter's features, allowing developers to get up and running quickly.  Users can send and receive I2C and SPI data as a master or slave device. Control Center Software also includes XML-based batch scripting, but does not support a loop condition for sending commands on the I2C or SPI bus.

Our royalty-free API easily allows engineers to program custom solutions using the most popular programming languages. The API supports C/C++, C#, VB, .NET, and Python and also features examples in these programming languages to help get you started in building your own custom applications. The API includes cross-platform support on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. With the API, you can take advantage of the full power each language provides to easily create a custom solution to send commands repeatedly using the Aardvark adapter.

For more information about the API for the Aardvark adapter, you can check out the following page here.

To access the Aardvark adapter API for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, you can download the files here.

To get you started, check out the “aai2c_eeprom” “aaspi_eeprom” example, depending on if you're working with I2C or SPI.  Please note that these files are only example programs that demonstrate how to use the API.  You can easily modify and reuse any of the examples to meet your specific requirements, including creating a program that sends the same commands periodically.

We hope this answers your question! Good luck with using the API for your loop command, and please let us know if you have any questions at sales@totalphase.com or support@totalphase.com.