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Now You Can Monitor eSPI Messages with the Promira Serial Platform, eSPI Analysis Application and Data Center Software

Total Phase now supports eSPI, a brand-new protocol introduced to replace LPC on motherboard bring up in PCs and servers.  With our new eSPI Analysis Application, the Promira Serial Platform can now be used to monitor eSPI messages in real time.  Using the SPI Active applications it is possible to generate eSPI messages. This article shows how to send eSPI data from a Promira platform with SPI Active Level 1-3 applications and Promira API, which will be monitored with another Promira platform with the eSPI Analysis Application and the Data Center Software.

Note: The following example can be used as a guideline for monitoring eSPI data from other devices. The equipment used: The setup:

  1. On the computer, download the Data Center Software, Promira API I2C/SPI Active, eSPI Active Example Files, and Python 2.x.
  2. Connect the two Promira platforms to the computer, and connect Promira-1 to Promira-2
  3. Configure the Data Center Software for eSPI under the device settings menu
Running the example:

  • With Promira-2, run the detect example that is provided with the API software: verify the Promira-2 is detected on the computer and then Transfer eSPI data from Promira-2.
eSPI in command window Figure 1: Starting the API Example
The results:

  • Looking at the Data Center Software, you can now view the eSPI data that is monitored by Promira-1 all in real time.
eSPI results on Data Center Software Figure 2: Viewing Real-Time Data with Data Center Software

For details about this setup and running tests, please refer to our knowledge base article Monitoring eSPI Messages Using Promira Platform and Data Center.

You can also try out more examples using our eSPI Active Example Files.

Additional resources that you may find helpful include the following:

If you have questions about our Total Phase products, feel free to email us at sales@totalphase.com, or if you already own one of our devices and have a technical question, please submit a request for technical support.